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Warrior Saint: A Poem in Dedication to Bhakti Charu Swami
By Bhaktimarga Swami   |  Июл 09, 2020


It’s hard to fathom,

That it could be so,

But warriors do enter,

And charge into battle,

And may not return—

A matter of death and dignity.

Because of the love lost,

It becomes a tearful time.

With the voice of guidance now gone,

An apparent vacuum exists.

Something went wrong perhaps.

Loved ones become confused,

No one can know the plan…

Emotions begin to play out—

A welling of tears in the eyes—

An wholesome outpour of feelings,

With friends/family around.

A figurative pool of water collects,

Leaving a surface of reflection,

Of two faces—of one grieving,

A second—the one who died achieving.

If you look deep and hard,

The warrior-saint who achieved,

Carries a magnificent smile.

And with a nodding approval,

And directional message,

He says, “Go forward!

There’s a fight to fight!

There is a world to shake!

There’s a God to love!

Don’t be disturbed!”

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