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Report from Russia: Authorities Drop Charges Against Chanting Parties in Moscow
By Maha-Balaram Das, Head of Legal Team for ISKCON Russia   |  Апр 19, 2021

On April 3, 2021, three Harinam groups were stopped and detained in Moscow by the local police. Forty-six cases of administrative offenses were initiated against twenty-five devotees.

Chanting of the Holy names of Krishna in the streets of Moscow is a tradition that has been continuing for more than 30 years. Harinamas add to the cultural life of Russia’s capital. They are an ancient tradition that brings prosperity and promotes peace all over the world. People in general like the colorful harinam groups and the melodious chanting a lot.

But this time, Moscow authorities charged the devotees with unauthorized public meetings. When this happened, we requested prayerful support from devotees worldwide. Special thanks to Lavanga Lata Devi Dasi who initiated an effort to reach out to as many devotees as possible for their prayers.

As a result of the devotees’ prayers, all of the charges were lifted. After looking into the cases the police found no reasons to press charges! Devotees are now able to continue harinamas as they have been doing for the last thirty years. We are grateful for the understanding shown by the Moscow authorities. 

We are so grateful to the worldwide community of devotees for their prayers. Srila Prabhupada’s mission continues in Russia! Jaya Prabhupada!

Maha-Balaram das 
Head of the legal team of ISKCON Russia



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