Almost a year gone
All personal life perhaps undone
Challenges on all sides
A time like no other
No longer in arms with our brothers
Many soldiers have left us
Now we stand bereft of their light
Much has changed on the external plane
But have we changed our internal frame
Where has our mind wandered
How often have we pondered
How much are we reflecting
Or are we just simply neglecting
To tender to our creeper
Is our Bhakti deeper
Have we reached deep within
Redoubled our protection from sin
Have we built our fence
Tolerance and humility the difference
Have we watered the seeds of gratitude
As opposed to mundane platitudes
Many of us have been impacted greatly
But how many of us have lately
Taken a moment to consider
The value of devotion
Amongst such confusion and commotion
We may be locked down
But dont get knocked down
Take each day anew
Redouble your fight
Be resolute and bright
By developing your Bhakti might
Through internal reflection
Mantra meditation
That eternal relation
Transcending all nations
Be more personal than before
Explore the depths of devotion more
The time will come
When we may all stand once again in the sun
Until that day
United we must pray
For that time to be again
Where we can serve in person
Yet even today
We strive to remain
In the joy of devotion
Locked down we may be
But Krsna is the only One who can truly set us free
So be bold and brave
Humble and kind
Dont be your minds slave
And in steadiness we find
A clearer path
A renewed hope
A joy that lasts
No longer should we mope
The external reality may have changed
Our eternal reality does not
We may be locked down
But we will not let ourselves be knocked down
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