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ИСККОН Даллас проводит первый публичный фестиваль Джанмастами во Фриско, штат Техас
By Rasasekhara Dasa   |  Сен 11, 2022
Image: Temple President HG Nityananda Dasa giving keynote talk. 
ISKCON Dallas celebrates first ever public Krishna Janmastami Festival in North Dallas (Frisco), TX

Temple President HG Nityananda Dasa felicitating the Grand sponsor of the event Greenvest Capital partners.


Sri Radha Kalachandji Temple (ISKCON Dallas) celebrated the first-ever Krishna Janmastami Festival in Frisco, North Dallas area on Aug 27, 2022. The event was celebrated at the Collin College Conference Center in Frisco and was well attended by aproximetly 1000 people. Keith Self, who is running for election to the U.S.House to represent Texas #39; 3rd Congressional District, along with State Representative Matt Shaheen, Frisco City Council member Brian Livingston, and Little Elm Councilmember Tony Singh were present at the event, as guests of honor.


Image: Temple President HG Nityananda Dasa felicitating the Grand sponsor of the event Greenvest Capital partners.


The event included several cultural activities, dance and drama performances, traditional Vedic chants of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, keynote talks, and a complementary multi-course vegetarian dinner for all the guests. The Temple President of Sri Radha Kalachandji Temple, His Grace Nityananda Dasa addressed the audience about the importance of the festival and emphasized the significance of God consciousness for universal peace, harmony, and well-being. A visionary leader in the Hare Krishna Movement, he encouraged everyone to fully embrace a vision of establishing multiple centers across the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex to spread the joy of spiritual consciousness for the welfare of the community at large.



About Sri Radha Kalachandji Temple

Radha Kalachandji temple is the oldest Vedic temple established in Dallas Fort Worth metroplex by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada in 1972. The temple is located in Downtown Dallas and is also well recognized for its top-rate Vegan restaurant Kalachandjis for several years now. Please visit the temple website to know more about temple projects and ongoing events.



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