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Онлайн-курс по коммуникациям ИСККОН
By Nityananda-kari Dasi   |  Май 12, 2020


ISKCON Communications Minister Anuttama Dasa, in collaboration with the Bhaktivedanta College, Radhadesh, adapted the ‘ISKCON Communications’ training he gives world-wide in the classroom to the online environment – dynamic, powerful and thought-provoking as it is when taught in person. The course is designed for members of ISKCON in order to help them communicate more effectively in their everyday services and especially for those involved in ISKCON Communications ministries. 

Due to high interest and positive responses to the ISKCON Communications Course that was launched for the first time online in April, the course will be offered again starting May 18.  

Start date: May 18, 2020

Duration: 5 weeks

The 5 weeks, self-paced course covers many topics including principles of effective communications, public speaking, media relations, government relations, listening skills, understanding key audiences (those people who can help, or hurt us achieve our goals or missions), building win-win relationships with those who matter to us, and much more.  

More info and registration: https://bhaktivedantacollege.com/events/iskcon-communication-course/ 

Recent student Vrindavanesvari Radhika dd commented: 

“The ISKCON Communications course is rich with practical information and valuable learning exercises to help forge successful win-win relationships, both for ISKCON and personally. I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in improving their communication skills study this material. Whether you are trained in this field or a beginner, the content will not disappoint. And you’ll meet some great devotees from around the world too!”

And, Sri Goloka, a software engineer from the UK, now residing in the US, remarked that:

“I came into this course thinking what can I pick up from it to serve ISKCON better. Little did I know that this course would end up serving me both professionally and personally. A real eye-opener and a saw-sharpener for all others!”

Kamala Radha dd, US-based devotee helping in Vaisnava CARE program who served in Communications Team, said:

“I find these exercises to be incredibly beneficial. Being that this class is online (and that we are all currently affected by a worldwide pandemic) studying online can feel cold and distant, but these loving exchanges and exercises with the devotees really helps us feel more connected. Thank you again for this amazing course!”

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