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Hidden History of the Human Race Videos on Gaia
By Sunanda das   |  Июл 19, 2018

Sadaputa Dasa and Drutakarma Dasa’s Videos, Hidden History of the Human Race Parts 1 & 2, air on Gaia TV Network Starting July 12th.

Gaia is one of the world’s only alternative, spiritual and educational online television channels. Starting July 12th, Gaia will be making available two videos by Sadaputa Dasa (Dr. Richard L. Thompson) and Drutakarma Dasa (Michael A. Cremo), Hidden History of the Human Race Parts 1 & 2, based on their book of the same name (the condensed version of Forbidden Archeology). If you subscribe to Gaia these videos can be viewed starting July 12th. If you are not a Subscriber you can watch these programs for free as an introductory offer from Gaia. The link to the videos is below. 

Sadaputa Dasa and Drutakarma Dasa were two of the original members of the Bhaktivedanta Institute formed by Srila Prabhupada in the early 1970’s to present Krishna consciousness within the scientific community. Although Sadaputa Dasa passed away in 2008, his unsurpassed legacy of scientific research and presentations of Krishna consciousness from many different perspectives continues in the form of his books, lectures and videos. Drutakarma Dasa continues along this vein of Krishna conscious preaching as evidenced by his many books such as, Human Devolution, The Forbidden Archeologist, My Science/My Religion and other publications, along with his regular speaking tours throughout the world.

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Links to History of the Human Race, Parts 1 & 2 on gaia.com:



To purchase a copy of Hidden History of the Human Race and other books by Drutakarma Dasa go to:  http://www.mcremo.com/order.htm

Other books by Sadaputa das are available at: 

To view more videos by Sadaputa das and listen to over 100 of his lectures, seminars, radio interviews, etc. go to: 

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