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ISKCON Zagreb, Croatia, Holds 2nd Ratha Yatra
By Govindananda das   |  Авг 25, 2017


In mid-August, Lord Jaganatha accompanied with Baladheva and Subhadra at colorfully decorated chariot passed again through the streets of Zagreb, being followed by many of Their devotees. This was for the second time that the Ratha yatra took place in the capital of and the biggest city  in Croatia.

Though the atmosphere was very charming and everything went so smoothly during this very sunny day, the preparations before the festival and efforts for obtaining all what was necessary for having the procession in the city centre were huge – and sucessful thanks to the mercy of Their Lordships.

The Ratha yatra was organized together with the Indian embassy in Croatia, while Ambassador himself gave an opening speech together with Prahladananda Swami, the GBC for Croatia.

While the Hare Krishna mantra was  resounding, the devotees were offering the books and distributing prasadam to everyone. Numerous tourists and citizens showed their interest for the procession, particularly during the simple cultural program at the central city square.  

After the sunset the program came to the end with its participiants full of bliss hoping for the similar spiritual experience the next year.

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