For many years Hare Krishna Food for All, the Kingscross, UK prasadam (sanctified food) d distribution team, has worked together with a local Catholic church to benefit the homeless community. Four days a week ISKCON devotees deliver cake and biscuits to a church in Camden, North London — enough cake for about 300 people.
“We are a member of Unleash, an organisation made up mainly of Christian groups helping the needy all over England” – says Parashuram Das program coordinator. “In fact we are the only non-Christian group, and they wrote a very favourable article about us on the front page of their magazine. Apart from the benefits of networking and interfaith, we also get loads of donations of foodstuff ingredients for the program, since we are known for being able to shift mountains of food.”
The members of Kingscross food distribution team are presently cooking for 900 people daily. The only item they need to purchase is salt, everything else they get as donation.
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