A popular Hare Krishna Sunday School curriculum, used successfully over the years by ISKCON temples, gurukula schools, and homeschools, has just been made available online.
The idea first came to teacher and homeschooler Tapasvini Dasi many years ago while running a small gurukula in Houston, Texas. Stumped at how to keep children busy during the weekly Sunday Feast program, she and other parents and volunteers thought: what if they had a Krishna conscious program developed in advance, ready and waiting to be taught to the children?
Working with ISKCON Foundation and co founder of Vaisnavas C.A.R.E Sangita Dasi, Tapasvini compiled and produced the Hare Krishna Sunday School Curriculum. The program’s pilot drew over fifty participants, and students loved it, insisting that their parents bring them each Sunday.
“Now that there was a substantial program available for their children, new families kept coming, and the Sunday Feast attendance increased,” says Tapasvini, now based in Alachua, Florida. “Parents were free to attend the lecture and many became more serious in their own spiritual lives as a result.”
Wanting everyone to be able to take advantage of the curriculum, Tapasvini recently established www.harekrishnasundayschool.com. The site offers everything needed to launch a Sunday School program, including options to view samples of the curriculum and order it in standard or CD formats.
“By providing an exciting, hands-on activity program for children each Sunday, you will be fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s stated goal of educating Krishna’s children in an enlivened and loving environment,” Tapasvini says. “And you will be building a foundation for your devotional community to continue for many generations to come.”
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