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Forget The Drugs, Treat Depression Naturally
By Jonathan Benson   |  Июл 30, 2010

Many people try to treat their depression by taking drugs and burrowing away by themselves, says Dr. Steve Ilardi, a clinical psychologist. But he believes this is the wrong approach. Ilardi suggests that people ditch the drugs and change their lifestyles, instead.

According to the U.K. Guardian, roughly 20 percent of the British population suffers from depression. In the U.S., that number is around ten percent. But rather than remain in isolation until it “goes away”, which is what most people with depression naturally try to do, Illardi recommends that people get more human contact and engage in more physical and mental activity.

Illardi has a six-step approach to treating depression that involves engaging in meaningful activity, exercising regularly, eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, getting plenty of sunlight and getting good quality sleep. If people follow these steps, they will lead much happier and more productive lives than if they take anti-depression drugs and remain in solitude, he says.

His plan also intentionally eliminates anti-depression drugs because, according to him, they do not work.

“Meds have only around a 50 percent success rate. Moreover, of the people who do improve, half experience a relapse. This lowers the recovery rate to only 25 percent. To make matters worse, the side effects often include emotional numbing, sexual dysfunction and weight gain,” he explains.

Read more: http://www.NaturalNews.com/029310_depression_remedies.html

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