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Бык и корова - поэма Бхактимарги Свами
By Bhaktimarga Swami   |  Окт 01, 2023

There is this very nice couple

Who pose to be no trouble

Introducing Mr. Bull and Mrs. Cow

You will get to know them somehow

She is like your mother

And he is like your father

They started up a good business

With a product to help avoid sickness

Their method is quite simple

And might appear rather fickle

The bull and cow meet

In a very intimate greet

A donation is given by Dad

Something he just has to add

It is a very special seed

Delivered at a mighty speed

Before long a baby does come

It comes out of Mum

Also comes a liquid delight

Only in the colour white

It pours out like silk

And goes by the name ‘milk’

The two are very happy

There’s never a day that’s crappy

Because they are protected

And never get rejected

They just eat all day

In summer – grass, in winter – hay

They are super keen

Going after the green

From the back or bottom end

They release and send

Natural medicine – a substance brown

And amber water coming down

They are such givers

Only requiring lovers

That’s you, that’s me

In other words, it’s ‘we’

Let’s not forget the little one

The daughter or the son

Love is all they want

From the back tail to the front.

To follow Bhaktimarga Swami’s inspiring service, visit his website at www.thewalkingmonk.net

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