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50th Anniversary of ISKCON LA Festival
By Karuna Dharini Dasi   |  Авг 21, 2021

To honor the fiftieth anniversary of the installation of Sri-Sri Rukmini-Dwarakadisa, as well as the inception of Their beautiful worship, a commemorative festival will be held. Special guest speakers from the time of those glorious beginnings will speak, and a variety of special Krishna Janmastami worship and kirtan will be performed throughout the two-day festival.  

The celebration will take place on August  28-29 as well as on Janmastami Day, because the Deities were installed in August fifty years ago. Celebrations will carry over into the following day, August 31st, all day, when we will hear Srila Prabhupada Vyasa-puja homages and special New Dwaraka remembrances from his senior disciples. Tours of the Bhagavad-Gita Museum and Prabhupada’s quarters will be available on both days.

Scheduled guest speakers will include Badarinarayana Maharaja, (long time original pioneer of New Dwaraka) Dayananda dasa (original Los Angeles temple president), Shilavati, (former head pujari and seamstress), Karandhara dasa, (original GBC for Los Angeles), and Ramesvara dasa, (former Bhaktivedanta Book Trust and New Dwaraka director).  Amala Kirtan dasa and local New Dwaraka artists will offer bhajan and kirtan throughout the two days. The neighborhood will be sectioned off from traffic for open space, tents, booths, an amplified stage, and lots of prasadam distribution.  

The schedule includes a fire yajna, Deity Julan (swing festival), Deity abhisheka (bathing), Rukmini-Dwarakanath boat festival, sandalwood paste outfit, flower-covered outfit, new cloth outfit, new pajama cloth outfit, and midnight artika ceremony as well as other Janmastami offerings to the Lord.

We welcome all devotees to please make their way to New Dwaraka to attend the anniversary of the inception of the beautiful and merciful worship of Sri-Sri Rukmini-Dwarakadisa and Srila Prabhupada.

More information: https://www.iskconla.com/

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