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New Introductory Course by Karuna Care Education
By Karuna Care Education   |  Oct 23, 2021
Many of us feel compassion for others’ suffering and would like to help but don’t know-how. Karuna Care Education is now offering three Introductory Courses to answer this need:
– Impact of Grief on Spiritual Growth: As Krishna Bhaktas we may think that, if we just chant more, the pain of grief will go away. This will be very helpful if we are able to chant with full attention. However, if the grief feelings are not acknowledged and tended to, they will become stronger and stronger until they will lead to some big life crisis that incapacitates you until you finally do pay attention to them.
– Name your Feelings, Tame your Mind: Feelings are the fuel that inspires our behavior. Like our minds, they can be our enemies and our friends. In this course, students will learn the language of emotions, what they tell us and how to utilize them to enhance our spiritual growth.
– Trauma, Addiction and Complicated Grief: Childhood trauma needs to be worked through—we need to be aware of what it is. It’s not about jumping over and taking shelter of God and leaving all human connections. It’s both—if we really understand who God is then we also know God’s communicating through the world around you us. He’s inside but He’s also outside. We need to be open to that too!
Facilitated by Rambhoru Dasi, ACBSP

Duration: 4 weeks (5 lessons total)
Modality: Self-taught + 1 weekly live discussion with the facilitator and the students

Dates will be posted after Waiting List has reached a minimum of 6 students applicants.

More Information and Registration:
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