The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan congratulated ISKCON on turning 50 after ISKCON London’s Temple President, Jai Nitai dasa and Temple Secretary Bhava Bhakti devi dasi presented him with a box of cupcakes and copies of the 50th magazine on 13th July. The Mayor even tweeted this kind gesture to his followers on social media. The meeting was part of the special outreach initiative to express gratitude to the city of London in which 5000 cupcakes were distributed in key locations in London during morning rush hour to say, “Thank You London!”.
ISKCON London celebrated Incorporation Day with an all-day festival at their temple on Soho Street. The Deities, Sri Sri Radha Londonishvara were adorned in luminous new golden outfits offered to Them in honour of the occasion. The altar was decorated with white and gold flower garlands and decor. Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasasana was decorated with flower arrangements and artwork depicting the seven purposes of ISKCON.
Special lectures were organised through the day on themes such as ’50 years of ISKCON’, ‘Seven purposes of ISKCON ’ and ‘The next 50 years of ISKCON’. A sumptuous prasadam feast was served which included a special 50th birthday cake. Devotees then set out on London’s bustling Oxford Street for a maha harinam, chanting and dancing along the way distributing delicious mango burfis.
In the evening, a special arati ceremony was followed by the singing of melodious bhajans including ‘Markine bhagavata-dharma’ written by Srila Prabhupada while on board the Jaladuta and ‘Yadi Prabhupada na hoite’ composed by HH Jayapataka Swami.
In appreciation of the efforts for the festival and the media and outreach activities, ISKCON50 Coordinator for London, Devaki devi dasi, said: “It was a truly glorious day. You could really see that Sri Sri Radha-Londonisvara – the Lords of London – and the first installed Deities in ISKCON, personally installed by Srila Prabhupada himself – wanted to spread the glories of Their dear devotee, Srila Prabhupada, to the wider London community. At a personal level, it was definitely the most enlivening day of the year yet and shows what can be achieved when we serve together as a team to glorify and appreciate Srila Prabhupada for everything he has given us.”
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