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Krishna House Releases Inspiring New Video Showcasing Its Transformative Ashram Experience
By ISKCON News   |  Feb 01, 2025

Krishna House in Gainesville, Florida, famous around the world for its innovative and successful ashram program, and Krishna Lunch on the University of Florida campus, has released a new video on YouTube. In less than five minutes, the creative film gives you a “peak into the experience of participants in the Krishna House Ashram.” 

Common misconceptions are addressed in a welcoming and colorful presentation of Bhakti life. Krishna House is based on Srila Prabhupada’s example in his first ISKCON centers in New York and San Francisco. With over 20 years of success and the expansion of Krishna House ashrams, the leaders of this transformative approach have also recently published a resource outlining the principles and practices that can be replicated by other devotees seeking to attract and form young people interested in Krishna Bhakti.

To watch the video, click below. To learn more about Krishna House, please visit their website and follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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