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ISKCON UK Honors Senior Devotees at 50th Anniversary Dinner
By Radha Mohan Das   |  Nov 28, 2019

Bhaktivedanta Manor organized a special dinner at the Avanti House Secondary School, in honor of the 50th Anniversary of ISKCON’s establishment in the UK. The main invitees were disciples of Srila Prabhupada and other key senior devotees, and it was a great opportunity for the younger generations to serve, join in Srila Prabhupada Guru-Puja and listen to the memories of first generation of ISKCON devotees.

Speakers included Shyamasundar das, Gurudas, Malati dasi, Dhananjay das, former Manor President Akhandadhi das and Governing Body Commissioner (GBC) for ISKCON UK, Praghosa das.


Every invitees received an honoring flower garland 

The event was mainly organized by Kalakanti Radhika dasi, who, along with a dedicated team, worked tirelessly behind the scenes with the purpose of honoring their seniors.

Bala Gopal dasi oversaw the cooking of the three course dinner, Anuradha made a beautiful themed cake and the event was supported Bhaktivedanta Manor’s Senior Management.

 A special cake offered to Srila Prabhupada.

“The event was a very uplifting and moving experience,” exclaimed Jyestha dasi, “A big thank you to everyone involved.” It definitely made an impact and it was greatly appreciated.” 

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