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ISKCON Hungary Sends Aid to the Flood Affected Bosnia
By Kata Fodor   |  May 23, 2014

On May 23rd, ISKCON Hungary has sent a group of volunteers to the flood and landslide affected Bosnia. The group will assist ISKCON Bosnia’s humanitarian work and will deliver emergency funds collected by the Hungarian community. 

The floods in the Balkans have hit tens of thousands in Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia, affecting Krishna-believers, too. The local ISKCON devotees responded immediately, and now in Serbia they distribute 1,300 plates, in Bosnia an additional 500 plates of hot meal daily.


A flooded city in the Balkans

The hot nutricious vegetarian meal is warmly welcomed by the people, most of whom had barely eaten or drunk for days, as even ef they had access to canned food, they had no means to cook it.

The volunteers serve the victims with lunch in make-shift shelters at schools, gyms and hotels.


Peole and animals are equally affected by the flood.

From day one, ISKCON devotees and monks in Serbia and Bosnia have been serving the people in several shifts daily. It is a very hard work and they happily accept any help – ingredients to cook from, cookware, cooks, other manpower, vehicles, as well as money.

Having served in several flood and other natural disaster affected areas, ISKCON’s Hungary’s volunteers are experienced humanitarian workers. Primarily, they will help in the Sarajevo area by cooking, serving, driving and taking care of the victims in many other ways. Also, they deliver and supervise the appropriate usage of donations collected in Hungary.

The Hungarian volunteers plan to stay in Bosnia for ten days. Their daily activities could be followed at or at

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