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ISKCON Bloomington, USA, Offers 10-week Gita Course for Children
By Davender Bhardwaj   |  Dec 22, 2017

BMI-Bhaktivriksha in Bloomington, Illinois, USA conducted its first 10-week course of Bhagavad Gita As It Is for children from ages 9-16.

The initiative was met with great enthusiasm, and all the twenty-eight children who participated in the program graduated and received their certificates during a ceremony on Saturday December 16th.

The course was not only appreciated by the children, but their parents, too, who were very proud to witness the newly gained depth of their children’s understanding of the teachings of Bhagavad Gita.

The course was so popular that the Bloomington community is planning to organize a second 10-week Gita-course.

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