ISKCON’s annual “MAN-tra Retreat” is coming to your computer screen in mid-November. The theme of this year’s virtual event is The Hero’s Journey!
Men, 18 years of age and older, are invited to transform their lives by participating in this unique event. You are the hero and your journey is distinct and extraordinary. The Lord Himself encourages us to return home, back to Godhead. From Lord Rama to Srila Prabhupada, the story of life follows a set pattern. Learning about this pattern helps us understand ourselves and reveals the steps needed for transformation.
The Hero’s Journey will be nothing short of spectacular. The journey is not easy and obtaining love of God, the most treasured gift is difficult. Shedding our dark habits and returning to the light requires us to face our deepest fears and close the gap between our shortcomings and reunion with God.
Join your fellow men in looking at the pitfalls and successes of life and feel the transformation during this uplifting, educational and fun weekend retreat. Bhaktimarga Swami and Anuttama Prabhu host the event. Guest speakers include Yogesvara Prabhu; Mahatma Prabhu; Radhika Ramana Prabhu; Rambhoru Mataji and; Tamohara Prabhu.
“MAN-tra is designed to encourage Krishna conscious men to live a saintly life and become better fathers, husbands, and leaders,” says Bhaktimarga Swami. “This is an important event for men who are serious about devotional life and want to deal with the pressures of the modern world.”
All aspects of The Hero’s Journey will be revealed including: finding your own call to adventure; accepting a guru or mentor and; dealing with inner obstacles encountered along life’s journey. The MAN-tra Retreat is designed to allow men’s talents to shine through and have a positive impact on the world. Men, who have attended past MAN-tra retreats have learned to thrive in their relationships and balance spirit and matter.
“MAN-tra helps us succeed in the journey of being a man in Krishna’s service,” said Anuttama dasa. “This virtual retreat will help men strengthen friendships, go deeper in their sadhana, and learn to avoid pitfalls on the path of bhakti.”
The first two MAN-tra Retreats were held at New Vrindaban in West Virginia. It became a virtual event in 2020 and will continue in that format this year. There will be all kinds of activities including kirtan, sanga, philosophy, comedy, drama, group projects, and designing strategies for success.
“The MAN-tra Retreat is an excellent opportunity for men to explore life’s journey, discover purpose, clarify direction, turn obstacles into challenges, gain allies, reinforce what we know, and discover what we don’t know,” said Partha dasa, a presenter and team member of MAN-tra. “This year’s retreat is designed to help men share experiences and knowledge while equipping them with tools to undertake their individual hero’s journey.”
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