संस्थापक आचार्य उनकी दिव्य कृपा
एसी भक्तिवेदांत स्वामी प्रभुपाद

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इस्कॉन डरबन ने अपने 36वें वार्षिक रथ महोत्सव में हजारों लोगों का स्वागत किया
By ISKCON News   |  अप्रैल 15, 2024

Photo courtesy, Indradjumna Swami’s Facebook पेज.

ISKCON Durban held its 36th annual Festival of Chariots, or Ratha Yatra Festival, over the Easter weekend in Durban, South Africa. Thousands joined the colorful multi-day celebrations which reflects the diversity of the region’s rich diversity.  Held at Durban’s north beachfront, the procession, festival-goers were treated to kirtans, prasadam, book tables, dance and cultural presentations, mantra meditation, spiritual discussions, and more. Short workshops and seminars were also held, along with many family-friendly activities, including fireworks, a drama by Bhaktimarga Swami entitled, “The Age of Kali,” photo booths, and face-painting.

To learn many more details about the Durban Festival of Chariots, visit their Facebook पेज. To follow the ongoing service by ISKCON Durban please visit their वेबसाइट, फेसबुक पेज और Instagram. Indradyumna Swami’s team has produced a beautiful summary video of the event यहाँ.

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