संस्थापक आचार्य उनकी दिव्य कृपा
एसी भक्तिवेदांत स्वामी प्रभुपाद

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इस्कॉन संचार पाठ्यक्रम – अब ऑनलाइन!
By Nityananda-kari Dasi   |  मार्च 20, 2020


ISKCON Communications Minister Anuttama Dasa, in collaboration with Bhaktivedanta College, translated the ‘ISKCON Communications’ training he gives world-wide in the classroom into the online environment – dynamic, powerful and thought-provoking as it is when taught in person. The course is designed for members of ISKCON in order to help them communicate more effectively in their everyday services and especially for those involved in ISKCON Communications ministries.

Start date: April 6, 2020

Duration: 4 weeks

To function effectively in the world, and especially as members of ISKCON, devotees need to learn to communicate well. They have a sacred mission to fulfill, one that needs them to be able to interact with all kinds of people in a way that helps them — and the world — awaken their spiritual understanding, their relationship with God, Lord Krishna, and to live more happy, peaceful lives. Some of the topics covered are:

– principles of effective communication

– understanding ISKCON audiences

– learning how to successfully listen and listening pitfalls

– preparing yourself for public speaking and giving a good speech

– presentation skills

– giving feedback

– writing a good press release

– giving effective interviews

– interfaith relations

– relationship with the government, scholars, and media

 * * *

More info: https://bhaktivedantacollege.com/events/iskcon-communication-course/

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