On July 16, Anuttama Dasa, Global Minister of Communications for ISKCON released a letter and statement regarding a widely distributed story about the 1976 Rathayatra and former US President Donald J. Trump.
“Dear Devotees of ISKCON,
कृपया मेरी विनम्र प्रणाम स्वीकार करें। श्रील प्रभुपाद की जय हो।
There have been many reports on social and traditional media over the last few days regarding former US President Donald J. Trump and the Rathayatra carts built for the New York City parade in 1976. Below please find the official statement from the global ISKCON Communications office regarding this.
Some of the information that has been widely distributed was exaggerated and not well researched. Sadly, this is almost to be expected, especially in this age of social media. We request devotees to be circumspect on these matters. It is important that any public statements are both accurate and truthful.
Even more important, in dealing with any global figures or issues, like the US former president or other political leaders, is that ISKCON officials and other members must never state, or imply, an endorsement of any political party or candidate.
While individuals connected to ISKCON have every right to hold and advocate for their own personal political views, ISKCON as a religious organization does not, cannot, and will not, ever endorse a specific politician or political party.
आपका सेवक,
अनुत्तमा दास
ISKCON Global Minister of Communications”
Below is ISKCON’s Official Statement on this matter:
“Official Statement of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)
Re: 1976 New York City Rathayatra Parade and Donald Trump
July 16, 2024
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) is shocked and saddened by the assassination attempt against former US President Donald J. Trump. The problems of the world, including vast political differences, cannot be solved by violent rhetoric or acts. Violent acts, we believe, per the law of karma, only yield more violence and more suffering.
Recent posts on social and traditional media reported that in 1976, Mr. Trump provided space in a railroad yard for ISKCON to build floats, or carts, for the first Jagannath Rathayatra Parade in New York City. ISKCON is very grateful that a real estate development company connected with the former president did provide that opportunity.
We are concerned, however, that media accounts have been exaggerated. For example, ISKCON did not directly approach Mr. Trump or bring him prasada (sanctified foods). Nor do we wish to speculate on why or how he was recently saved from more serious harm.
We are also concerned that some of the media stories may seem to suggest an ISKCON endorsement of Mr. Trump’s presidential candidacy. ISKCON does not endorse any political candidate.
As a movement dedicated to the spiritual and social upliftment of people around the world, we appreciate and benefit from the support of many political parties, government officials, and other business and social leaders. We are grateful for that support.
At the same time, ISKCON, as a global religious and cultural organization, is non-political. ISKCON does not support or endorse any candidate, or any party, for any political office, anywhere in the world.
Released by:
अनुत्तमा दास
Global Minister of Communications
International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON)”
A ..pdf of the statement is available यहाँ.
हमारे साप्ताहिक लेखों की सूची प्राप्त करने के लिए अपना ईमेल नीचे साझा करें।