The ISKCON Environmental Initiative (IEI) Global Green Team is offering an online workshop Friday November 18 to discuss and promote environmental practices which can be implemented in temples, communities and private households. Attendance is free and open to all ISKCON devotees, leaders, friends and supporters.
Topics will include:
– Meet the Global Green Team
– Share Insights on Environmental Sustainability
– Plan Green Strategies
– Greening Your Local Community
The two-hour session will include interactive break-out sessions wherein devotees interested in protecting Mother Bhumi around the globe can meet each other and share best practices.
The IEI Team invites you cordially to participate, and find out more about what you can do to protect and sustain the Lord’s gift to us: Earth.
The ISKCON Environmental Initiative is endorsed by the ISKCON Governing Body Commission, and the Regional Governing Body of Europe and the North American Council. Co-Directors: Anuttama Dasa and Shyamananda Krishna Dasa. For more information see
Zoom Information
Topic: IEI Global Workshop
Time: Nov 18, 2022 08:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Meeting ID: 787 843 8329
Passcode: 1008
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