Namarasa Das with Venkata Bhatta Das interviewing Raghunath Das regarding his upcoming autobiography.
Namarasa Das is back after a one-year hiatus with a new season of in-person interviews. In 2018, Namarasa started “The Late Morning Program with Namarasa” podcast, which quickly gained in popularity because of its engaging host, wide variety of guests, and willingness to talk about a broad range of topics, including “hot button” issues. The return is good news for the thousands of devotee listeners who were missing the podcast during the break.
“In January 2023, I took a break because my daughter was born, and I wanted to be more focused as a father and a provider,” said Namarasa, who, along with his wife Tulasi, is raising three children. This hiatus gave him an opportunity to reflect upon what was so personally life-giving to him about this passion project.
During COVID, Namarasa shifted from in-person interviews to virtual exchanges, 140 in total. Though he explored many important and inspiring topics, he missed the dynamics of in-person conversations, which is the model of the revived and rebranded show now called “The Namarasa Podcast.”
This time off also gave him a chance to upgrade his equipment and studio. “We now have three cameras with switching angles,” he explained, “So devotees can look forward to better production and in-person interviews in 2024.”
Namarasa with Jagadish Das and Malini Dasi.
He has already recorded over a dozen episodes, including Vrajabihari Das from Chowpatty, Venkata Bhatta Das from Princeton, Hari Vilas Das from Brooklyn, and many others.
Today, he premieres an interview with Vrajabihari Das on the topic of “Breathing as a Service, Journaling, and Being Grateful.” Venkata Bhatta Das co-hosted the episode. Going forward, he plans to release two episodes a month.
The podcast is available on YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Podcasts de Apple, and your favorite podcast app. You can also follow him on Facebook y Instagram and financially support his ongoing service aquí.
Opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and guests and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of ISKCON or ISKCON News.
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