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Staff Writer Madhava Smullen Moves On From ISKCON News After 14 Years of Service
By ISKCON News Staff   |  Dic 18, 2021
Photo Credits: Madhava Smullen’s Facebook page
                                                               Madhava Smullen with his family in Alachua, Florida.

Madhava Smullen is synonymous with ISKCON News. For the last 14 years, he has been the main storyteller for the global ISKCON Community for the news site.

As a Staff Writer and administrator he started and managed some of ISKCON New’s social media pages (back when social media had just become a thing!) and has written more than 2,000 articles over the years, chances are, he may have written about a project or person you know!

“I especially loved writing in-depth, uplifting stories about inspirational people and projects. Some of the people in ISKCON I’ve written a lot about over the years who are inspirational to me include Krsnanandini Dasi, Visakha Dasi, Kalasamvara Das, Chaturatma Das, Manorama Das, Vaisesika Das, Bhaktimarga Swami, and many, many more,” he said. He continued, “it’s very moving to talk with devotees who are always joyful and enthusiastic to please Srila Prabhupada no matter what they’ve gone through in their lives.”

Some of his most popular articles over the years were: Devotees to Hold First Kirtan in Antarctica (and its follow-up); The Devotee Wears Prada (about devotee fashion designers); Neurologist’s Study Shows Maha-Mantra Could Help Anxiety, Schizophrenia; Former Hip-Hop Artist Turns No. 1 Book Distributor, and USA’s First Slaughter-Free Dairy Opens at Gita Nagari.

“I loved talking with devotees from all over the world every week, supporting their efforts by writing about them, and keeping devotees — some of whom were in remote corners of the globe — inspired and feeling like they are part of a thriving international community,” Madhava said.

“It’s been meaningful and inspirational working with ISKCON News all these years, and I’m grateful for the experience.” other than “he is taking time to work on some personal writing projects,” he said.

Madhava has also written for Back to Godhead Magazine, Friends of the BBT, and ISKCON New Vrindaban, to name some of the other projects he has contributed to over the years. He is leaving his role at ISKCON News to take time to work on some personal writing projects.

“Personally, I’m very grateful to Madava for his steady service to the entire ISKCON society for more than a decade,” said Anuttama das, Editor-in-Chief, GBC member, and Global Director of Communications.

“Those Devotees who were fortunate enough to interact with Madava as a journalist know that he’s conscientious, thorough, and always a gentleman. He set a high standard of reporting. I think it’s safe to say that ISKCON is much closer together as a global society today because of the hard work and commitment of Madava Smullen. Every one of us at ISKCON News wishes him all the best in his future endeavors. We pray that Srila Prabhupada and Lord Krishna Will continue to bless him and his family always. Hare Krishna, said Anuttama.”

From all of us at ISKCON News, thank you for your service and dedication to providing interesting, fun, and heartfelt stories for the ISKCON community for all of these years – you will be missed!

Etiqueta: iskcon , noticias , gente , staff
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