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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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Myanmar Facing Violence, Displacement, and Flooding; FFL is Offering Life-Saving Support
By ISKCON News   |  Jul 04, 2024

Priya Gopinath Das, General Secretary for ISKCON Mayapur, has released the following urgent request to devotees: “I am writing to seek prayers from around the world for Myanmar. The country has been facing a severe crisis due to political and armed conflicts for over two years. This turmoil has displaced millions and has now been compounded by natural disasters, including the devastating flooding in Myitkyina, Kachin State. Many devotees from the ISKCON community have also become victims of this flood.

Despite these significant challenges, we continue to run the Food for Life Initiative through ISKCON-Myitkyina. ISKCON Myanmar is deeply committed to supporting those in dire need during these devastating floods. It is heartbreaking to report that some people have been without food for days [and died due to the flooding]. This humble effort to provide meals and essential aid means a great deal to them, especially since no other support has yet reached those most in need.

We earnestly request your prayers and support in our efforts to bring relief and comfort to those suffering.

Yours in Srila Prabhupada Service,

Priya Gopinath Das

General Secretary

ISKCON Myanmar”

Please watch the following vídeo of the lifesaving efforts in Myanmar. For more information or how you may support FFL, please see the contact information below:

Contact- +959960389750, +95 9 797 273199, +95 9 431 48033 or email at [email protected]

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