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ISKCON Naperville to Host 10-Day Deity Worship Training in October 2024
By ISKCON News   |  May 22, 2024

The ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry Team is gearing up to facilitate a 10-day in-person Temple Deity Worship Training at ISKCON Naperville in Illinois, from Oct 11th-20th, 2024. 

“This immersive course is a unique opportunity for devotees to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and values for worshiping temple deities,” shared Rasa Devi Dasi, ISKCON Deity Worship Minister for North America, “Moreover, it offers the invaluable chance to connect with devotees who have dedicated their lives to learning and teaching about deity worship.”

Some of the team members who will be co-facilitating this course include, but are not limited to, Narsimha Kavaca Das, who serves as the Global Deity Worship Ministry representative, member of the management team for ISKCON Deity Worship Ministry, and the Director of Mayapur Academy; Murli Manohar Das, UK Deity Worship Ministry representative; Krsna Dasi, the Deity Worship Ministry representative from Trinidad and Tobago; and Rasa Devi Dasi, the North American Deity Worship Ministry representative.

“Each session will be very interactive, covering both the theory and practical aspects of this important service,” said Rasa Devi Dasi, “Gaura-Nitai deities and all the other required practice paraphernalia will be provided to each team for everyday practice.” A final Sodasopachar puja assessment will be made at the end of the course, and students will be issued a certificate for the successful completion of the Temple Worship module. This course/module will count towards ten credit points if devotees are interested in completing the Full Arcana course (a four-month course offered annually at Sridham Mayapur). “Many devotees have expressed to us that they appreciate the systematic approach of these modules and that they have personally gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration through these courses,” noted Rasa Devi Dasi, “I was a Mayapur Academy student back in 2017-18 (for the Full Arcana course) and can say with certainty that the insights and experiences I received in these courses are unparalleled.” 

The fee for this comprehensive offering is $351 per devotee (which includes shared accommodations and daily prasadam). The course is designed for temple pujaris/aspiring pujaris, and devotees who have received second-initiation. Organizers note this course also serves as an excellent platform to form new friendships and to get inspiration from like-minded devotees in worshiping our beloved deities.  

Rasa Devi Dasi concluded, “We would like to thank the ISKCON Naperville community and Premananda Devi Dasi (Temple President) for hosting this year’s Temple Deity Worship course. May Sri Sri Radha-Shyamasundara, Sri Sri Radha-Madhava and Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu (the beloved deities of the Naperville community) continue to bless us all with unwavering devotion and faith unto Their Lordships.”

To register for the course, click aquí. If you have questions or need additional information, please email Rasa Devi Dasi aquí

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