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Bhakti Center Instructors Lead 300 New Yorkers in Times Square Yoga Event
By ISKCON News   |  Jun 22, 2024

Photo by Prasanth Inturi

On June 20th, Brinda Kumari Devi Dasi and Kishor Chandra Das, both senior yoga instructors at the New York City Bhakti Center, were among the teachers who led nearly 300 New Yorkers in yoga on the International Day of Yoga. This decade-long celebration, a global initiative of the United Nations, was held in historic Times Square. To read the full story published by the Religious News Service (RNS) and authored by Richa Karmarkar, click on the link below.


New York City celebrates the 10th International Day of Yoga

Etiqueta: centro bhakti , nyc , Times-Square , un , yoga
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