The ISKCON Chile Newsletter was launched in February of this year with the purpose of informing the community of devotees and Krishna’s friends about ISKCON’s activities.
The Newsletter is sent by mail every Ekadasi (every 15 days), informing about upcoming classes, programs, seminars and outstanding visits. In addition, several of the newsletters include a note thanking a member of the community for their service.
According to Amara Gauranga Das, president of ISKCON Chile, “these types of communication channels are very important for us, since they allow us to know and recognize the progress we make as a community, thus contributing to create a culture of respect and appreciation among devotees”.
The Newsletter also has a special emphasis on informing the different programs that are being carried out in regions. In recent months, various initiatives have begun to develop successfully outside Santiago.
This publication began with a database with devotee emails. However, over time, more than one hundred people have voluntarily subscribed through Facebook and Instagram to receive the newsletter.
According to Cintamani Madhavi Devi Dasi, director of Communications in ISKCON Chile, “the idea is that more and more people receive the newsletter so they can be aware of the activities we develop in our community and thus be encouraged to participate.” About the process to prepare the bulletin, she explains that “we have a Communications team composed by Carolina Ortiz, Jagad Guru Das, Piero Torchio, Amara Gauranga Das and myself, where we discuss which are the news that will be in the next edition”.
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